Monday, July 20, 2009

The STRI Prank of the Year

Today at work (I am a ranger at Stones River National Battlefield) Ranger Jim Lewis scheduled me for the 2pm caravan tour. Now for those who don't know what the caravan tour is - Visitors ride in their own vehicles behind me and then we stop at certain tour stops, get out of the cars, and discuss the battle while taking in the landscape. So anyway, today happen to be a very special day. I usually drive the NPS van, but since its windshield was in need for repair (I didn't break it), Jim gave me permission to drive the patrol car. However he gave me a very strict rule. He told me with fire in his eyes, "If I see the patrol lights or hear the sirens go off, it will be the end for you, dear." - meaning if I play with the cool buttons to make the car go "woowoowoo" I'm fired... no fun but okay.

Well as I returned from filling a cooler full of water (we offer our visitors water on the tour) I gathered all the people in the visitor center who wanted to accompany me on the tour (15 total). I led them onto the park's vista and explained to them the wonders of the National Park System and the goals and rules of the caravan tour. Then I told all of them to head to their vehicles so we could begin the caravan tour. And as I exited the Visitor Center, Jim gave me "the look." which I interpreted as - "do not do anything stupid."

So I waited for all the cars to drive up behind me and then I sat in the patrol car, put the key in the ignition and all sudden my heart jumped and my stomach sank....



I jumped out of the patrol car as Jim came running out of the visitor center! I waved my arms in the air as I yelled "I didn't do anything! It wasn't me!" Everyone was looking at me and laughing! Jim Lewis was practically on his knees crying with laughter... They all fooled me - Jim, volunteer Jim Bosse, and the visitors had pranked me good! Damn good... They were all in on it. Evidently - Jim, Ron, Jim Bosse, and the visitors schemed this up when I left the visitor center to go get water or something...

Needless to say - the visitors on my tour didn't take long to warm up to me and joked around with me as I toured them through the 3 day battle of Stones River.

Jim doesn't know about my successful pranks - so its on!